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Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise are important for our aerial training.

Benefits of aerobic (CARDIO) exercise for aerial, acrobatic training:

Cardio helps your muscles recover faster!!!

  • Enhances the speed at which muscles recover from high intensity exercise (acrobatic training).
  • Increases storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles, allowing for increased endurance.
  • Increases blood flow through the muscles preventing cramping and pain.
  • Improves the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen.
  • Helps make more lean muscle and keep our weight lower.
  • Gives us more energy to train and lifts our moods!  

Cardio makes us happier!

OK. Maybe not always while doing it, but definitely after!

What qualifies as cardio?  How much do I have to do?

You don’t have to do that much cardio to get the benefits. Just do what you can!!   Just like anything, it gets easier with practice.

  • Try starting with a 10 minute jog/run/speed walk in your neighborhood.  Work up to 20-30 minutes.
  • The most efficient cardiovascular exercise is interval training.  One example is alternate sprinting and walking.  Sprint for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute.  Repeat this 5-10 times.  Honestly I think this is easier than jogging.
  • My favorite cardio is dancing.  Again, you don’t have to kill yourself to get the benefits of cardio exercise.  Take a Zumba class or just put on some music and dance for 10 minutes in your kitchen.  Dancing is easy and you can do it your way!!
  • If you have access to a pool or lake or beach, swim for 20 minutes!
  • Run on a treadmill or use an elliptical machine.

Here are some ideas to motivate you!

Silly dance to BeYONCE!

Idea for a quick outdoor sweat!

Knock out a 30 minute interval work out!

We love dance parties at Sweet Retreats.  Come to a training intensive and get your aerial training and dance like a weirdo with us.

Check out our upcoming training retreats and workshops here!

Other benefits of cardiovascular exercise:

  • Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration to facilitate the air in and out of the lungs.
  • Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle to improve its pumping efficiency and improve resting heart rate.
  • Toning muscles throughout the body which can improve overall circulation, reduce blood pressure, and lift the mood.
  • Increasing the total number of red blood cells – Strengthening the immune system.
  • High-impact aerobic activities can stimulate bone growth as well as reduce the risk of osteoporosis for both men and women.

Check out my FREE Circus Fit training tutorial videos here.

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