Sweet Retreats

Are you new to aerial arts and acrobatics?

Are you a total beginner?

Here is how you can prepare for your first Sweet Retreat.

Let’s get started. Planning ahead can really enhance your experience at a Sweet Retreat. To have the best results learning aerial/acro skills, it is important to be in moderate to great physical condition. This means having a physical fitness regimen that includes strength, flexibility and body awareness for a period of time before the retreat. It helps to have a coach or to attend classes, but you can also do it on your own with the help of Kerri’s instructional videos.


Step 1. Calculate how many months you have to train before the retreat begins and how much time each day/week you can dedicate to your body.


Step 2. Make a fitness plan that is realistic and feasible and stick to it. Again, make sure you have all 3 elements in your fitness plan (strength, flexibility and body awareness).   Also cardiovascular exercise helps your endurance and speeds muscle recovery. If you can fit it in, try a cardio workout 1-3 times a week.

Helpful classes to take:

Yoga for flexibility and body awareness

Cardio Hip Hop for body awareness and general fitness

Pilates for core strength and body awareness

TRX and/or circuit training for strength and endurance



  1. Find a training buddy! This will help you motivate.
  2. Keep your sessions efficient and concise. Don’t overdo it on one day because you might be too sore to do it again. It is all about persistence and discipline.
  3. Try working out at the same time every day if you can. It will help your body and your mind adjust, and it can become a natural part of your daily routine.
  4. Rotate your focus. For example, one day focus on strength and flexibility and the next on general fitness/cardio and body awareness.
  5. Make realistic goals and strive to reach them. For example, 3 pull ups and 2 inches closer to flat in your straddle stretch. Making these specific goals will help you motivate to do the work to reach them.

Here are some ideas for developing your personal plan.

Remember the goal is to make progress (not just to work out), so make sure you keep pushing yourself. Every 3-6 weeks you should change and/or increase your work load. This is much easier if you have a coach or personal trainer.

Best Plan: Take 2-3 aerial conditioning classes and2-3 flexibility classes each week. Supplement with a cardio workout/dance class

Next best plan:

Day 1 Flexibility: Do yoga and/or work on straddle, splits and shoulder stretches (see Kerri’s instructional video “Stretching Your Straddle”)

Day 2 Strength and core: Take a TRX class and/or do the exercises from Kerri’s “Improving aerial skills at home” and “Beach Workout” video.

Day 3 Cardio and flexibility: Go for a run, to a dance class, or do Kerri’s circuit training/cardio video exercises, and then stretch your straddle, splits and shoulders for 45 minutes.   See Kerri’s instructional videos.

Day 4 Work on specific strength exercises: pull ups or rope climbing, inversions. You can do this at a local playground for free or at any fitness gym. There are some great machines that help with pull ups and dips. Email Kerri for more guidance SweetRetreatsDR@gmail.com


Stick to a simple plan. You can always add supplemental classes like pilates, yoga, dance, acrobatics, etc. If you find you don’t have as much time to train that you want, it is ok. Even 30 minutes of good, efficient stretching or strength work can be so helpful. You can do a good 30 minute workout anywhere with no equipment.


Nutrition and Sleep

You may notice that your body feels very different even after your first training session. You might feel strong, euphoric, sore, tight, light, happier, and even a little queezy. This is totally normal. Keep moving and it gets even better.

During your training it is extremely important that you get enough restful sleep. You might feel the need to sleep more as your body adjusts to the new training routine. Listen to your body and give it the sleep it needs. This is very important to get results in your retreat preparation program.


It is also very normal that you will feel the need to eat more or less than usual, and possibly different things than you are used to. You may crave more protein. If so, listen to that craving and eat it. You can also supplement with an organic/natural protein powder. Stay away from the chemicals. Also DRINK MORE WATER! This can minimize excess sugar and/or protein cravings.

It is imperative that you eat as many fresh (ideally organic) vegetables as you can each day. Try to incorporate fresh vegetables into every meal. There are many creative ways to do this (google it!). Your body needs the vital energy from the veggies as well as the vitamins, minerals and amino acids.