Core Strength for Aerialists

Kerri’s 2023 Sequence

Most of my students find that my core strength sequences are very hard to get through…at first. After training with me and doing these sequences for a period of time, guess what. Not only do the sequences become easier, but the new found core strength and stability drastically improves their aerial practice. It’s a win win situation! So how do you get a stronger core for aerial arts? Do your core strength and endurance drills…2-5 times per week!

This sequence has been my go-to ‘warm up’ drill for the past year or so, and by request from a number of my students, I am finally making it available to everyone! Some important aspects of this sequence include:

  • active twisting to engage the obliques and release tension in the lower spine
  • connecting the legs to the pelvis via the ‘THUT’ (where the thighs meet the butt) which aids in pelvis stability, creates more length in your legs, engages hamstrings and glutes
  • strengthens the ability of your CORE muscles to lift the weight of your pelvis and legs without the aid of your upper body
  • strengthens the Hollow Body muscles which close the ribs in the front and lift the lower ribs in the back
  • creates core endurance
  • prepares the core body and legs to execute many acrobatic movements (Although not a thorough warm up for aerial skills, it is a very good start.)

Follow along with this video or any of my other core strength for aerialists videos on my YouTube channel. I recommend doing this as part of your warm up for skills training and/or conditioning 2-5 times per week.

I hope to see you soon at one of my Sweet Retreats live aerial intensives at Casa Chango Mexico.
Enjoy the process!