Sexy Stretching!

Let’s all indulge in some juicy stretches.
Give yourself full permission to move that pelvis and spine to feel more open, connected to yourself, mobile & empowered.

Although this video is called Sexy Stretching, the main sensation I would like you to feel is OPEN in the body and CONNECTED to the body (feeling sexy is a major bonus!). This sequence of stretching is a great way to supplement your training in order to work towards any flexibility goals you might have and open up parts of your body that are feeling tight and neglected.

When warming up, we want to lean in to poses that are more fluid and movement focused, rather than static. Think about movement that is centered around squeezing and moving your muscles around to wake them up for deep stretching or a workout. This is what sexy stretching is all about…let’s get into it!

We will start our stretches on the floor in table top.

  1. Cat Cow
    • From table top position, begin to arch your back for cow pose and tuck your tailbone in for cat pose
    • Begin to bring your butt around in a circle for disco kitty pose
    • Explore circle with your head, shoulders, spine, and pelvis

Let’s talk about the taint brush! Yes this is exactly what it sounds like and is a great imaginary tool to orient the movement we are doing. So when we are doing these stretches, I like to picture my imaginary taint brush making large paint strokes around the room. See how far and wide you can paint with your taint brush for maximum movement enjoyment!

  1. Sitting on Your Knees
    • You can modify this pose to work better for you by sitting on a block, not resting your weight in your knees, etc.
    • Make wide brush strokes in a circle with your taint brush!
    • Take your hands behind you and squeeze your butt and pull the belly in inorder to do gentle pelvic thrusts
  2. Shift into a Luxurious Lizard Lunge
    • Put one leg forward and both hands on the inside of the leg
    • Get sexy and move your taint brush around in a circle!
    • Search for movement that feels GOOD!
    • Make sure you do both sides
  3. Butterfly
    • Sit on the floor with the bottoms of your feet together in a butterfly
    • You can sit on a block to make this position more comfortable
    • Give your hips and legs a massage before we begin here
    • Let’s whip out that taint brush again and move the pelvis in large circles
  4. Sexy Mirror Dance
    • Come back into your cat cow position
    • You’re going to imagine that the floor is a giant mirror
    • Give yourself a sexy dance in the mirror!
    • There is so much opportunity for movement here!!!
    • Bring your pelvis forward and back, chest to the floor, hips in a large circle, lift one leg or arm up
  5. Jiggle!
    • Lay down on your back
    • Bring your knees up and let your pelvis be neutral and relaxed
    • Start jiggling! Let your pelvis move feely on the floor
    • Shake your knees and your legs and your butt!
    • Bring out the taint brush! Start moving your pelvis around in big circles
    • Arch and press your back into the floor
  6. Happy Baby
    • Bring both of your knees up and grab them to enter happy baby position
    • Move one knee up at a time and allow your legsand groin to relax
    • Bring your feet together on the ground into butterfly position again

How are we feeling??? Relaxed, open?! The possibilities are endless from here; whether you would like to continue on in sensual, luxurious movement or move on to some flexibility training, now your body is feeling warm and open and ready to go! I hope you found this sequence of movement helpful and enjoyable. Remember it is movement that you can come back to over and over – perfect for those days where all you have the energy for is soft and slow movement that feels good. Stay flexy and stay sexy!

I hope to see you soon at one of my Sweet Retreats live aerial intensives at Casa Chango Mexico.
Enjoy the process!